These 7 weekly classes will focus on exploring each of the chakra centers via yin/restorative yoga, mantra, and meditation.


Cole's Yin Restorative Flow combines Deep Slow Yin with a sweet and relaxing flow of movement bookended with delicious Restorative Postures. Each week of this special series, the asanas, mantra, and meditation will focus on restoration, rejuvenation, and release of one chakra, with the goal of improving overall balance and wellness.

our schedule:

Week 1: Root Chakra // Grounding & Belonging

Week 2: Sacral Chakra // Creativity & Sensuality

Week 3: Solar Plexus // Power & Purpose

Week 4: Heart Chakra // Self Love & Healthy Relationships

Week 5: Throat Chakra // Authenticity & Self Expression

Week 6: Third Eye // Intuitive Guidance & Mindfulness

Week 7: Crown Chakra // Awareness & Spiritual Empowerment

all yoga classes are 60 minutes, and will take place on wednesday nights at 7:15 est.


Why is this important work at this time?

We live in a time where the physical world offers a heightened amount of uncertainty, change, stimulation, frustration, isolation, fear, and so much more. It is overwhelming our energetic systems, almost like we are trying to use an outdated processing system on way too advanced of a program.


The 7 Week SERIES is designed to serve as a reboot or restart to the system to begin to run optimally and handle all the upgrades we are experiencing at this time.

By recognizing and interacting with the seven energetic body centers, we can access much more from our experience of reality. We are no longer bound by the physical; we can experience the world and our place in it as the colorful, complex, and interactive matrix.